Waste water treatment
Reducing COD in final effluent wastewater

Treatment of industrial wastewater : removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD).
When treating industrial effluents, it’s necessary to make the reduction of COD before the heavy metal treatment (coagulation flocculation).
This treatment is to lower the COD in the effluent of any industry rejecting process water to a wastewater pre-treatment: printing, tannery, electroplating, glass, etc…
COD is defined as the quantity of a specified oxidant that reacts with a sample under controlled conditions. The quantity of oxidant consumed is expressed in terms of its oxygen equivalence. COD is expressed in mg/L 02.
NTS CLEAR 2550 products to reduce the COD in waste water industry
The NTS 2550 CLEAR is effective in reducing the COD of wastewater before using our Insolubilizer metals NTS CLEAR xxxx et our flocculant NTS COx.
- Efficiency and ease of use
- Very economical
- This treatment is easily integrated cycle of detoxification of water
The COD reduction is made by oxidation in an acid medium of a large part of the oxidizable substances dissolved in the water to be treated. After the treatment, the reduction of COD can be measured by analysis of the acidified medium is more favorable to continued treatment with a much lower reagent consumption.
Product to reduce the effluent COD
NTS CLEAR 2550 can efficiently reduce the COD of waste water.
NTS CLEAR 2550 is used in the physicochemical standard stations.
NTS CLEAR 2550 is a liquid, easy to use and economical.
NTS CLEAR 2550 is recommended to remove color wastewater trouble and suspended solids.